To help you out with ensuring that your building/ establishment complies to the Australian Fire Safety Standards, we present you with a matrix on all the detail you need to know about fire door tag depending on each specific code/ standard.
Australian Fire Door Tag Requirements Matrix
AS CA57.1-1972 |
Physical & Fixing Requirement |
Tag Content Inclusion |
Tag Placement & Who Can Tag |
Related Document Required |
- 2” x 1”
- Etched, embossed or stamped thereon in letters not less than 1/16” high which shall be recessed or projected not less than 0.010” below or above the exposed surface of the tag- Affixed to the door mechanically
- The name of the fire door manufacturer certifying compliance
- The fire-resistance rating of the door
- The citation, ‘AS CA57-1972’
- Exception: In the case of glazed doors, the classification of the door as to the temperature of the cold face at 30 minutes after the commencement of the test on the prototype
- 5’ above the floor level
- Refer to your local fire safety inspector on who is authorized to tag
- Evidence of Compliance
- A certificate by the manufacturer of the fire door, or his accredited representative, certifying that an inspection of the installation has been carried out and the door is identical to the tested prototype or where there are variations that they are in accordance with the “rules”
AS 1905.1-1976 |
Physical & Fixing Requirement |
Tag Content Inclusion |
Tag Placement & Who Can Tag |
Related Document Required |
- Not less than 50mm x 25mm
- Etched, embossed or stamped thereon in letters not less than 1.5mm high which shall be recessed or projected not less than 0.25mm below or above the exposed surface of the tag
- Affixed to the door mechanically
- The name of the fire door manufacturer certifying compliance
- The fire-resistance rating of the door
- The citation, ‘AS CA57-1972’
- Exception: In the case of glazed doors, the classification of the door as to the temperature of the cold face at 30 minutes after the commencement of the test on the prototype
- Installed approximately 1.5m above floor level
- Refer to your local fire safety inspector on who is authorized to tag
- Evidence of Compliance
- A certificate by the manufacturer of the fire door, or his accredited representative, certifying that an inspection of the installation has been carried out and the door is identical to the tested prototype or where there are variations that they are in accordance with the “rules”
AS 1905.1-1982 |
Physical & Fixing Requirement |
Tag Content Inclusion |
Tag Placement & Who Can Tag |
Related Document Required |
- Not less than 50mm x 25mm
- Etched, embossed or stamped thereon in letters not less than 1.5mm high which shall be recessed or projected not less than 0.25mm below or above the exposed surface of the tag- Affixed to the door mechanically- The tag shall not be affixed to the door leaf until installation is complete
- The name of the fire door manufacturer certifying compliance-Manufacturer’s identification of the individual doorset in number of letter form. Such identification should also be recorded by the manufacturer for possible subsequent project identification
- The fire-resistance rating of the door
- A statement as to whether or not at 30 min after commencement of fire-resistance test of the prototype the average temperature rise on the cold face of the door other than glazed areas remained below 140oC
- A notation that the fire door and installation complies with the requirements of this standard; i.e. AS1905.1, Part 1
- In the unusual case of a fire door approved for exposure to fire from one side only, an etched, embossed or stamped arrow in the label shall indicate the face which was facing the furnace in the fire test of the prototype
- Installed approximately 1.5m above floor level- Refer to your local fire safety inspector on who is authorized to tag
- A numbered certificate by the firedoor manufacturer, or his accredited representative, certifying that an inspection of the installation has been carried out an whether or not the firedoor installation is in accordance with standard
AS 1905.1-1984 |
Physical & Fixing Requirement |
Tag Content Inclusion |
Tag Placement & Who Can Tag |
Related Document Required |
- Not less than 50mm x 25mm
- Etched, embossed or stamped on the metal tags so that it is recessed or projected not less than 0.25mm below or above the surface of the tag
- Alphabetic or numeric characters shall be not less than 1.5mm high- Affixed only after the installation is complete
- The name of the fire door manufacturer certifying compliance
- Identification number of the individual doorset in the register of doors for that building
- The fire resistance rating of the door
- A notation that the manufacturer certifies that the fire door and installation complies with the requirements of this Standard, i.e. AS1905, Part 1
- Installed approximately 1.5m above floor level
- Refer to your local fire safety inspector on who is authorized to tag
AS 1905.1-1990 |
Physical & Fixing Requirement |
Tag Content Inclusion |
Tag Placement & Who Can Tag |
Related Document |
- Etched, embossed or stamped so identifiers (numbers and letters) recess or protrude not less than 0.25mm above or below the tag surface
- Letters and numbers not less than 1.5mm high
- Tags shall be nailed, screwed or riveted
- Hinge side of the door leaf
- Name of the fire-resistant doorset supplier who is certifying compliance
- Identification number of the individual doorset as recorded in the register of doorset for that building
- Fire resistance levels of the doorset, in minutes
- A statement that the supplier certifies that the fire resistant doorset and installation complies with the requirements of this Standard
- The year of installation
- Fire-resistant doorsets that are approved for exposure to fire from one side only shall be additionally marked with an arrow indicating the side that was facing the furnace in the fire resistance test of the prototype
- Installed approximately 1.5m above floor level- Tagged by the supplier
- Supplier defined as “the sponsor of the test on the prototype fire resistant doorset who certifies that the doorset, when installed, complies with this Standard
- Logbook
- Installation certificate
AS/NZS 1905.1:1997 |
Physical & Fixing Requirement |
Tag Content Inclusion |
Tag Placement & Who Can Tag |
Related Document |
- 50mm x 25mm
- Etched, embossed or stamped so identifiers (numbers and letters) recess or protrude not less than 0.25mm above or below the tag surface
- Letters and numbers not less than 1.5mm high
- Firmly fixed to minimize
the possibility of detachment during the
service life of the doorset. Nailing, screwing,
riveting or the use of a glue which provides equivalent strength are the preferred methods
of fixing
- Hinge side of the door
- Number of the performance standard
- Fire Resistance level
- Name of the manufacturer
- Name of the sponsor
- Name of the certifying officer
- Year of manufacture
- Installed approximately 1.5m above floor level
- Manufacturer or Certifier
- Manufacture defined as “An organization or individual who manufacturers the fire door leaves or fire doorsets, or both”
- Certifier defined as “A person or organization, acting on behalf of and authorized by the manufacturer, that assumes the responsibility of approving the installation of a fire door in accordance with this Standard”
- Log Book
- Schedule of
- evidence
AS 1905.1-2005 |
Physical & Fixing Requirement |
Tag Content Inclusion |
Tag Placement & Who Can Tag |
Related Document Required |
- 50mm x 25mm
- Etched, embossed or stamped so identifiers (numbers and letters) recess or protrude not less than 0.25mm above or below the tag surface
- Letters or number not less than 1.5mm high- Firmly fixed to minimize the possibility of detachment during the service life of the doorset
- Hinge side of the door leaf
- Number of the performance standard
- Fire Resistance level
- Name of the manufacturer
- Name of the applicant
- Name of the certifying officer
- Year of manufacture
- Installed approximately 1.5m above floor level
- Manufacturer or Certifier
- Manufacture defined as “An organization or individual who manufacturers the fire door leaves or fire doorset, or both”
- Certifier defined as “A person or organization, acting on behalf of and authorized by the manufacturer, that assumes the responsibility of approving the installation of a fire door in accordance with this Standard”
- Installation certificate
- Schedule of evidence of compliance
For more professional advice and recommendation, contact Spartan Doors and we are always ready to help.