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New Generation Fire Rated Profile Guide
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Non-Fire Rated Single Rebate Profile Guide
Non-Fire Rated Double Rebate Profile Guide
New Generation Non-Fire Rated Profile Guide
Door Order Forms
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New Standard Firecore Approved Hardware List
Timber Door Product Care Guide
Solid Core Door Measuring Guide
Pyropanel Fire Door Installation Guide
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
ACOUSTICS Sound and control of sound.
ADHESIVE Substance that holds material together.
AESTHETICS Good taste in the appreciation of beauty.
ALUMINIUM Light metal commonly used in door and window frames.
ARCHITECTURAL DOOR Door built to standards higher than traditional or residential doors.
ARCHITECTURAL STYLE Style of the door reflective of an historical era, period or school of design.
ASTRAGAL Special molding attached to one in a pair of doors to them from sliding or swinging too far
BACK DOOR Door found in the rear of a home or building.
BACKSET Measurement used on mortice locks and nightlatches.
BALLOON FRAME Wood frame construction that carries the stud to the full height of the exterior wall.
BASE BLOCK See Plinth Block.
BASE MOULDING Moulding applies where the floor and wall meet, forming a visual foundation and a base to protect walls from kicks, bumps, furniture, and cleaning tools.
BATHROOM LOCK Mortice lock used with thumbturn handles so occupant can lock the door from inside the bathroom.
BEVEL To cut to an angle other than a right angle, such as the edge of a board or door.
BIFOLD A door capable of being folded into two parts, as with doors that are hinged together.
BLIND MORTISE-AND-TENON JOINT Joint where the tenon does not extend through the mortise and is invisible once completed.
BOOK SIZE Height and width of a door prior to prefitting.
BOTTOM PLATE Plate fastened to the bottom of a door to resist blows and scratches.
BOTTOM RAIL Lower horizontal piece of a panel assembly, like a door or sash.
BRACE Piece applied to an assembled window unit to maintain its squareness.
BRACED FRAME See Platform.
BUTT Door hinge, one leaf being morticed or routed into the door frame jamb and the other into the edge of the door.
BUTT HINGE Designed for timber doors, purchased before assembly and fitted while doors are hung.
BUTT JOINT Joint formed by square edge surfaces coming together.
BY-PASS DOOR FRAME Interior door frame to accommodate two or more sliding doors that slide by each other in a horizontal direction.
BY-PASS SLIDING DOOR One of two or more sliding doors that by-passes another door(s) in a door opening in a horizontal direction.
CAMING Roll formed metal banding that joins individual pieces of glass together in a decorative glass panel.
CAMS Sealants positioned at various points down the faceplate of a lock to help create an even weatherseal, generally found on multi-point locks and PVCu doors.
CARBON STEEL Alloy used in the manufacture of hardware for windows, usually coated to increase corrosion resistance.
CASING Molding of varying widths and thicknesses used to trim out interior or exterior door openings.
CAVETTO Simple concave molding.
CE MARKING Manufacturer’s declaration that the product complies with European health, safety and environmental regulations.
CHECKING AND SPLITTING Checking occurs when the wood or veneers separate horizontally to the grain and splitting occurs when there is a break vertically with the grain.
CHEVRON SLAT A “V” shaped slat which assures maximum privacy and ventilation.
CLAD To sheathe or cover a metal with a metal.
CODE Collection of laws, regulations, ordinances, or statutory requirements adopted by government authorities.
COLD PRESS A bonding operation in which an assembly is subjected to pressure without the application of heat.
COLONIAL Characterization of the style of domestic architecture in America from the earliest colonies until the Neoclassical architectural period.
COMBUSTIBLE Ability to be consumed by fire.
COMPRESSION ROLLERS Sealants positioned at various points down the faceplate of a lock to help create an even weatherseal, generally found on multi-point locks and PVCu doors.
CONCAVE Hollowed or rounded inward like the inside of a bowl.
CONDENSATION Water vapor deposit from the air on any cold surface whose temperature is below the dew point.
CONDUCTION Transfer of heat through matter, whether solid, liquid, or gas.
CONVECTION Transfer of heat through a liquid or gas when that medium hits against a solid surface.
CONVEX The opposite of concave; curving or bulging outward.
COPE To cut or shape the end of a moulded wood member so that it will cover and fit the contour of the wall or other moulding.
COPING Cutting the moulding to fit the pattern.
CORNER BLOCKS, MOULDED Square blocks used in lieu of mitering the side and head casing. Also known as “turns the corner” for door and window casing.
COVE Moulding with a concave profile used at corners particularly as a ceiling cornice. Small coves may be used as inside corner guard.
COVE AND BLEED Moulding profile consisting of a ‘cove’ and a ‘bead’. Also referred to as glass bead or stop.
CROSS RAIL Center most horizontal member.
CROSSBAND In 5-ply construction, it is the layer of wood between the core and the face.
CROSSBUCK Panels of a door separated by intersecting diagonal rails and so arranged to simulate a sawhorse.
CROSSETTES Popular Georgian era decorating technique, accomplished by projecting “ears” formed by the casing at the top corners in a side of door trim.
CURTAIN WALL Non-bearing wall between piers or columns.
DADO AND LIP JOINT See Rabbet Joint.
DADO JOINT Rectangular groove across the grain of a wood member into which the end of the joining member is inserted, also called a house joint.
DADO TONGUE See Rabbet Joint.
DEADBOLT Rectangular or hook shaped metal at the center of a lock to add security.
DEADLOCK Lock with only a bolt operated by a key, no latch.
DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT, (HUD) U.S. federal government organization whose mission is to increase homeownership, support community development and increase access to affordable housing free from discrimination.
DIAGONAL RAIL Diagonal rail of a crossbuck or sawbuck of a panel or sash door.
DOOR BEVEL Angled cut on the lock side of a door that enables it to swing free of the door frame during operation.
DOOR CHAIN Fixture that enables the door to only be opened partially in order to identity visitors prior to entry.
DOOR CORE Core placed inside the door to provide either strength or fire rating.
DOOR FACE Wide flat surface of a door.
DOOR FRAME Consisting of one header and two jamb legs and a strip of wood called a “stop” keeps the door from swinging through the frame.
DOOR HEIGHT Vertical measurement of the door.
DOOR JAMB Part of a door frame which surrounds and contacts the edges of the stiles and top rail of a door.
DOOR LIMITER Fixture that enables the door to only be opened partially in order to identity visitors prior to entry.
DOOR PANEL Sheet of thin lumber, plywood or composition material inserted into the frame.
DOOR RAILS Top and/or bottom materials so the door can be field-trimmed for off-square replacement installations.
DOOR SKIN Front or face panel made up of two plies or more of a flush door.
DOUBLE ACTION DOOR Interior door with special hinges or pivots which allow the door to function in both directions.
DOVE TAIL JOINT Joint formed by inserting a projecting wedge-shaped piece into a similarly shaped cut-out piece.
DOWELED EDGE JOINT See Dowelled Joint.
DOWELLED JOINT Joint using dowels or small rounded pegs of wood inserted into a hole of the same diameter.
DOWELS Wood peg or pin used to strengthen a wood joint.
DRIP CAP Moulding used to direct water away from a non-masonry-faced structure to prevent seepage.
DUMMY MULLION Bar fixed onto the side of a French door or window to secure it in a locking fashion.
DUTCH DOORS Exterior door with an upper and lower section that can be opened separately.
EASED EDGE Corner rounded or shaped to a slight radius to lessen splintering and paint failure.
EDGE JOINT Joint made by bonding two pieces of wood together edge to edge, commonly by gluing.
EDGE VENEERS Doors can be manufactured with vertical edge veneers such as oak or birch to match the veneer on the face of the door.
ELECTRIC STRIKE Electronic device that allows unlocking of a door remotely.
END JOINT Joint formed by the ends of wood pieces.
ENTRY DOOR Door typically found in the front of a home or building.
ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITION State of the environment necessary for the support and comfort of the inhabitants, including air quality, light, food and temperature.
ESPAGNOLETTE Term for multi-locks used on windows.
EURO PROFILE CYLINDER Specifically shaped cylinder barrel that can used and fitted in many locks including multi-point and mortice locks.
EUROGROOVE Standard 16mm groove on the inside of a PVCu or an aluminum door blade profile extrusion where a multi-point lock will be located.
EXTENSION JAMB Flat parts which are nailed to the inside edges of the window or door frame so that it will fit a wider wall.
EXTERIOR THRESHOLD Threshold non-symmetrically beveled, which, when secured to the exterior door frame sill and/or finished floor, prevents water from coming in under the door
FACADE Main or front elevation of a building.
FACE Outer or exposed ply in cross banded construction.
FACE PANEL See Door Skin.
FACEPLATE Exposed surface in the door of a mortice or multi-point lock after installation.
FACING Protective covering that protects the outside of a building.
FASCIA Wood piece, surfaced four sides, used for the outer face of a “box cornice” where it is nailed to the ends of the rafters and “lookouts.
FENESTRATION Placement or arrangement and sizes of the windows and exterior doors of a building.
FIBERGLASS Most familiar type of insulation spun from molten glass and is pure white.
FINGER JOINTING Method of joining wood pieces milled in the shape of fingers, which mesh together and are held firmly in position by a water-resistant adhesive.
FIRE DOOR Doors are designed to meet independent testing facilities and government regulations for fire ratings.
FIRE RESISTANT Ability of a material to resist catching on fire when exposed to a flame.
FIREPROOF CONSTRUCTION Construction designed to withstand a complete burnout of the contents for which the structure was intended without impairment of structural integrity.
FLAG HINGE (FOR DOORS) Hinge system used on PVCu doors enabling adjustment and easy installation.
FLASHING Metal or plastic strip used to prevent water and air leakage between the window or door frame and the surrounding wall.
FLAT JAMB Plain piece of lumber, not rabbeted or ploughed. Instead of a door rabbet, this jamb requires a door stop applied to prevent the door from swinging through.
FLAT SLICED Veneers cut from a half log that produces a light variegated grain similar to sawn lumber.
FLEXIBLE SWEEP Rubber or vinyl strip that easily bends and is applied to the bottom of a door to create an effective seal against the sill.
FLITCH Complete bundle of thin veneer sheets laid together in sequence as they are cut from a given log or section of a log.
FLUSH DOOR Flat-faced door that may have a variety of door facings and may be hollow-core or solid-core.
FOLDING DOOR One of two or more sliding doors hinged to move laterally in an opening.
FOLLOWER Square hole in the backset of mortice lock allowing the spindle to feed through for handle operation.
FRAME Parts enclosing the window or door sash.
FRAME WALL See Wood Frame Wall.
FRENCH DOOR Interior or exterior door consisting of stiles, top and bottom rail and divided glass panels or lights.
FRONT DOOR Door typically found in the front of a home or building.
FULLY REVERSIBLE WINDOW HINGES/STAYS Allows a window to turn nearly full circle within the frame for easier exterior and interior window cleaning.
FURRING Narrow strips of wood spaced to form a nailing base for another surface.
GAP Open splits in the inner ply or plies or improperly joined veneer when joined veneers are used for inner plies.
GOTHIC HEAD Entrance or door head in the form of a pointed arch.
GRADE Quality standard applied to a millwork product to distinguish one from another.
GRADE DOOR Service door derives its name from usual installation of door at grade.
GROOVE See Plough.
GROOVE AND RABBET JOINT Rabbet Joint where the groove substitutes for the dado.
GYPSUM Type of rock that provides excellent fire protection.
GRID (GRIDIRON) Framework of steel or wooden beams over the stage used to support the sets of lines employed in flying scenery.
HALF AND HALF HOUSE House built with a combination of wood frame and masonry exterior walls, with the first level being masonry while the second is wood frame.
HANGING STILE Door stile to which the butts or hinges are applied.
HARDBOARD Generic term for a panel manufactured primarily from interfelted lignocellulosic fibers (usually wood), consolidated under heat and pressure in a hot press to a density of 496 kg/m3 (31 lb/ft3) or greater and to which other materials may have been added during manufacture to improve certain properties.
HAUNCHED MORTICE AND TENON JOINT Mortice and tenon joint in which the tenon is not the same width as its wood piece.
HEAD CASING Horizontal casing across the top of the window or door opening.
HEAT LOSS Heat transmission rate multiplied by the area of the door.
HINGE JAMB Side jamb in which the door hinges (butts) are applied.
HINGE STILE Refers to the side jamb of a window or sash to which pulleys, balances or hinges are applied.
HINGED DOOR Exterior or interior door hung by attaching butts to the stile so that the door swings on a vertical axis.
HIP RAISED DOOR PANEL Raised door panel with the edges of the raised face perpendicular.
HOLLOW CORE DOOR Type of door that has corrugated cardboard between the stiles and rails and is made up of an interior frame of stiles and rails, covered by a skin of veneer or hardboard, plastic, or metal.
HOOKBOLTS Hook shaped bolts on a multi-point lock to assist in door compression and provide high level security against forced attack.
HORN Extension of a stile jamb or sill.
HOUSED JOINT See Dado Joint.
INFILTRATION Heat loss due to cold air filtering through cracks or spaces around an exterior door.
INSULATED CAVITY TYPE WALL Wall that is constructed of a framework of wood or steel and has some form of insulation added between the framework to improve the energy efficiency of the wall.
INSULATION Prevention of the passage or leakage of heat, moisture, sound, or electricity.
INTERIOR DOOR FRAMES Door frame installed in the interior wall of a structure.
INTERMEDIATE RAIL Horizontal member of a door located between the top and bottom rails.
IN-THE-WALL FRAME See Pocket-Type Door Frame.
IRREGULAR HEAD DOOR FRAME Door frame for a non-rectangular opening.
JACK STUD Vertical wood piece at each side of a rough door opening to support the header.
JAMB Top and two side pieces of wood for a door or window.
JOIST Heavy pieces of lumber or steel laid on edge horizontally to form the floor and ceiling support system.
JOURNAL SUPPORTED DOOR HINGE Hinge used on external doors with high usage, providing minimum maintenance and maximum endurance.
KDHW Kiln Dried Hardwood. This process hardens and strengthens the wood, allowing it to be used for structural purposes. For example: Door edge strip.
KEEP Metal plate or box receiving a projected latch or bolt in the lock.
KEY TO LOCK Function that allows key to be removed from padlock only when the padlock is in the lock position.
KEYED ALIKE One key opens/locks more than one padlock or lock.
KITEMARK Mark of ISO 9001:2008 quality; piece passed rigorous.
certification requirements and is manufactured consistently at high quality levels.
KNOB LATCH SET Door hardware for keeping a door closed with a spring activated latch bolt used with a knob.
LAMINATED GLASS Two layers of glass bonded together with tough plastic film to enhance safety.
LATCH SET See Knob Latch Set.
LATCHBOLT Reversible metal protrusion allowing for operation of the handle from either side.
LAYING PANELS Grain of panel running horizontally.
LEVERS Securing mechanisms in the lock; the more levers, the higher security level the lock provides.
LOCK BLOCK Concealed block of wood or particleboard glued inside a door
LOCK RAIL Intermediate rail of a door at lock height.
LOCKING POINT Point at which the lock enters the outer frame of the door using a rectangular or hook-shaped bar.
LOUVRE Door, bifold or shutter constructed with a series of downward-sloping, horizontal slats that allow ventilation, inhibit sunlight, and provide some privacy.
LUG Extension of the stiles beyond the meeting rails of a sash, usually ogee-shaped and sawed ornamentally on the inside of the stile.
MASONRY WALL Wall consisting of clay, shale, concrete, gypsum, stone or other similar non-wood materials bonded together with mortar; the masonry units may be hollow or solid.
MASTER KEY One key that operates multiple locks that each have their own individual key as well.
MECHANICAL WEAR Continual physical contact with a material that eventually decreases its function.
MEDALLION Raised decorative wood design sometimes used on flush doors.
MEDIUM DENSITY FIBERBOARD (MDF) Generic name for a panel manufactured from wood fibers combined with a synthetic resin or other suitable binder and bonded together by applying heat and pressure in a press.
MESH Number of meshes or open spaces per lineal inch in width and height in insect wire screening.
MINERAL CORE Fire-rated core of a door available in 45, 60, or 90 minute versions.
MITER JOINT Joining of two members at an angle that bisects the angle of junction.
MONOTONY Uniformity or lack of variation.
MORTAR JOINT Joint in a masonry wall created with a mixture of cement materials, fine aggregate, and water, to bond masonry units such as brick or cinder block together.
MORTICE LOCK Lock occurs when bolt shoots out of the lock and into a striker plate when the key is turned; lock is in a “cutout” of the timber door edge.
MORTICE AND TENON Joint formed by the end of one member being inserted into the mortise of the other member; the tenon may be secured in the joint by means of steel pins or nails.
MULLION Vertical part of a sash, door, or window frame between openings when in a numerous opening frame.
MULTI-POINT LOCK A mechanism with more than one locking point, used on PVCu or composite doors.
MUNTIN Short bar, horizontal or vertical extending from a bar to a stile, rail or other bar.
MUSHROOMS Sealants positioned at various points down the faceplate of a lock to help create an even weatherseal, generally found on multi-point locks and PVCu doors.
NIGHTLATCH Lock mounted on the surface of the door rather than inset in the edge of the door.
NOMINAL SIZE As applied to timber or lumber, the size by which a piece is known that may not be the actual size.
NOMINAL THICKNESS Often differs from actual thickness but how it is known and sold.
OBSOLESCENCE In the process of becoming out of usefulness.
OPEN MORTICE AND TENON JOINT See Slotted Mortice and Tenon.
OVOLO Convex profile about the size of a quarter section of a circle.
PANEL Wood surface within a surrounding frame. All panels have structural frames, the interstices of which are filled with sheets or fields called panels.
PARTICLEBOARD Formed panel consisting of particles of wood flakes and shavings, bonded together with a synthetic resin or other added binder.
PAS23/24 Test that evaluates the durability and security of the entire door set instead of just the lock.
PATIO DOOR See Terrace and French Door.
PEDIMENT Low-pitched triangular entrance head or cap.
PERMANENCY Durable and has long-lasting qualities.
PITCH Accumulation of resin in the wood cells in a more or less irregular patch.
PIVOT WINDOW HINGES/STAYS Hinge offering a high weight capacity for large glazed areas on high performance horizontal or vertical timber windows.
PLANK AND BEAM Type of construction technique where planks and beams are utilized in a framework to provide the support structure for a house or building.
PLANK DOOR Door made from planks.
PLANTED MOULDING Moulding applied to a surface and projects or remains above it. Also known as a raised moulding, as opposed to a solid sticking or applied moulding.
PLATFORM Wood frame construction that terminates the stud at each level. Also referred to as a western frame, repeat story frame or braced frame construction.
PLIES Plural of Ply.
PLINTH BLOCK Square block at the base of a pilaster of a block of wood placed at the bottom of side door casing to terminate the casing as well as the base.
PLOUGH Rectangular groove or slot of three surfaces cut parallel or with the grain of a wood member, in contrast to “dado” which is cut across the grain.
PLOW See Plough.
PLUG Sound wood of various shapes for replacing defective wood portions which have been removed.
PLUMB Exactly perpendicular or vertical or at right angles to the horizon or floor.
PLY Refers to the number of veneers to make a plywood skin.
PLYWOOD Crossbanded assembly of layers of veneer or veneer in combination with a lumber core or plies which are joined with an adhesive.
POCKET Removable section of a pulley stile (side jamb) of a box window frame (pocket and pulley) which gives access to the weight box.
POCKET SLIDING FRAME See Pocket-Type Door Frame.
POCKET TYPE DOOR FRAME Interior door frame to accommodate a door that slides into a partition pocket-type door frames which are often sold as a unit consisting of an outside jamb, header assembly with door track attached, split jamb pocket assembly and hardware for a hanging door.
POLY VINYL CHLORATE UNPLASTICISED (PVCU) Material used in the manufacture of doors and windows.
PREFIT Trimming additional width or height off the nominal size of a door to make it fit in the frame better.
PREHUNG DOOR UNIT Pre-cut and assembled unit consisting of a wood door with preparation for lock hardware that is hung on hinges in a wood frame.
QUARTER SLICED Veneers cut from a flitch or quarter log.
RABBET Rectangular cut consisting of two surfaces cut on the edge of a member parallel with the grain.
RABBET JOINT Joint formed by the rabbet(s) on one or both pieces.
RAIL Cross or horizontal pieces of a door’s framework.
RAISED PANEL DOOR Door using a compressed hardboard door facing that has been hydraulically pressed to create a simulated raised panel design.
RECEIVER Metal plate or box receiving a projected latch or bolt in the lock.
REVEAL Margin visible between the window or door sash and the surrounding frame.
RIBBON STRIPE Veneer figure which consists of alternate light and dark stripes running primarily the length of the veneer and produced by quarter sawing.
RIFT CUT Veneer produced from a quarter log which shows an accentuated vertical grain.
RIGHT ANGLE JOINTS 90 degree joint formed by end to face, edge to face or edge to end of wood pieces; the joint may be formed with the grain, at right angles or parallel to it.
RIM LOCK Basic security lock used on internal gates, doors or outlaying buildings.
RIM TYPE DOOR Door with a framework only on the edges of the door.
ROTARY CUT Veneer cut from a full log–like unwinding a roll of paper–which produces a wide and variegated grain pattern.
ROTARY CUT FACE VENEER Veneer cut on a lathe which rotates a log or bolt against a broad cutting knife.
ROUGH OPENING Refers to the finished, cut-out opening into which a door and frame will be fitted.
ROUNDED See Eased Edge.
ROWER Square hole in the backset of mortice lock allowing the spindle to feed through for handle operation.
SADDLE See Threshold.
SAFETY GLASS Glass designed to reduce chance of injury when broken.
SAWBUCK See Crossbuck.
SCARF JOINT End joint formed by having the two ends of the members beveled to form sloping plane surfaces.
SCREEN DOOR Usually occupying the exterior rabbet of an exterior door frame whose purpose is to keep out insects by means of insect wire screening while admitting the maximum amount of air.
SCREENING Mesh of fine aluminum, galvanized steel or bronze wire.
SECONDARY GLAZING Additional glazing to existing window to create a thermal or acoustic break.
SHEATHING Surface, usually of wood or fiberboard, applied to the exterior faces of the studs or wall frame.
SHOOTBOLTS Used to further secure a door using multi-point locks by using an upwards movement of a sprung handle.
SIDE HUNG WINDOW HINGES/STAYS Windows that swing outward and have no easy cleaning requirement.
SIDELITE Assembly of stiles and rails, with or without a wood panel containing a single row of glass panels or lights.
SILL Lower horizontal member of a window or sliding door frame.
SKID BLOCK Small wood or metal block applied to the bottom edge of a ‘prefit door’ in order to prevent damage.
SKIN See Door Skin.
SLAT Thin narrow strip of wood used in door and window blinds, doors, transoms and louvers.
SLIDING DOOR Door which slides in a horizontal direction parallel to a wall of the structure.
SLIDING DOOR, POCKET TYPE Door which slides horizontally into a wall pocket or slot recessed into the wall of a structure imparts additional space to a room compared to the conventionally-hinged door since no swing space is required.
SLOTTED MORTICE AND TENON Mortice and tenon right angle joint in which the tenon is visible on two edges once the joint is completed.
SNAP IN DOOR HINGE Hinge used on commercial or residential lightweight internal doors.
SNAP LOCKING Shackle is pushed in to the lock body to “lock” the padlock.
SNIB Button or slider that keeps the latch back to prevent the door from slamming shut accidentally.
SOLID COMPOSITION PANEL Panels made from finely granulated wood bonded with thermosetting resins of the phenol formaldehyde type.
SOLID CORE DOOR Door with a solid interior made from composite wood, agri-fiber, wood staves, particleboard, or fire-rated mineral fiber.
SOLID CORE FLUSH DOOR Flush door consisting of a core of solid wood blocks or strips with cross banding and face veneers or face veneers only.
SOLID STICKING Mould or profile worked on the article itself.
SOLID STUCK See Solid Sticking.
SOUND KNOT Solid across its face, as hard as the surrounding wood, shows no indication of decay and may vary in color from natural color of the wood to reddish brown or black.
SPACER BLOCK Thin strip of wood placed on the edges of a pre-hung door to take up the door clearance while in transit.
SPACER WAFERS See Spacer Block.
SPINDLE Square metal bar connecting the door handles on either side of the door via the follower. When door handle levers are pressed, the spindle rotates to release the door.
SPLINE JOINT Joint formed by the use of a spline and also known as a slip tongue joint.
SPLIT JAMB Interior or exterior jamb is composed of two halves that fit together.
SQUARE CUT See Butt Joint.
STICKING See Solid Sticking.
STILE Upright or vertical framework pieces of a door.
STOP Moulding primarily used in window and door trim that is positioned to stop the door or window sash from opening beyond a set point.
STORM DOOR Panel or sash door occupying the exterior door frame to provide protection from cold weather.
STORM PANEL Exterior covering, door, shutter, or sash to protect the window during a storm.
STRADDLE MOULDING Two piece decorative glass bead-like moulding around the light opening of a flush door.
STRIKE JAMB Jamb opposite the hinge jamb or a jamb on which the lock or passage-set strike plate is installed.
STRIKE PLATE Metal piece morticed into or fastened to the face of a door frame side jamb to receive the latch or dead bolt when the door is closed.
STRIKER Metal plate or box receiving a projected latch or bolt in the lock.
STRIKING STILE Door stile containing the lock.
STUB TENON AND MORTICE JOINT See Blind Mortise and Tenon Joint.
STUCCO Exterior covering for walls created with a combination of sand, cement, and water and consists primarily of lime and aggregate in a Portland cement base applied onto a metal lath or wire fabric.
SUB-JAMB Jamb-like piece, usually surfaced four sides, which increases or extends the width of the exterior door frame jamb.
SUNBURST Semi-elliptical area, the lower center of which contains a sun-like figure with radiating sun rays.
SUNROOM Glass enclosed porch or living room with a sunny exposure.
SWEEP Rubber or vinyl strip applied to the bottom of a door to create an effective seal against the sill.
TELEGRAPHING State when the internal components of the door show through the veneer.
TEMPERED GLASS Safety glass treated by heat to increase strength.
TENONS Projecting tongue like piece of wood inserted into a slot of another to form a “mortice and tenon joint”.
TERRACE DOOR Exterior door, normally glass, that opens onto a terrace, patio or deck.
THRESHOLD Aluminum or wood member that is beveled or tapered on each side and used in interior and exterior door frames.
THRESHOLD SILL Door sill with the threshold on it.
THUMBTURN CYLINDER Knob on one end of the cylinder so that one side of the lock can be opened without a key.
TILT AND TURN WINDOW HINGES/STAYS Used when windows cannot be opened outward.
TOENAIL Act of driving a nail diagonally to fasten a vertical and horizontal piece together.
TONGUE AND GROOVE JOINT Joint created by inserting the “tongue” of one piece of wood into the groove of another.
TOP HUNG WINDOW HINGES/STAYS Outward opening windows that can be cleaned easily from the outside of the facility.
TOP RAIL Top most horizontal piece of a sash, blind, door or other panel assembly.
TRANSOM Horizontal piece separating a door from a window panel above the door or window.
TRANSOM SASH Sash in the transom.
TRIM Millwork to finish around windows, doors, walls, fireplaces and other pieces to provide a uniform look.
TRIMMING OUT Installing the trim; commonly referred to as interior finish.
U VALUE Rate of heat loss. The lower the U-value, the greater resistance to heat and improved insulating value.
UNITED KINGDOM ACCREDITATION SERVICE Assesses organizations against international standards for testing, inspecting, certification and calibration.
UPRIGHT PANEL The grain of the panel runs vertically in the sheet.
VENEER Thin layer or sheet of wood, usually sawn, sliced or rotary cut from a log, flitch or bolt.
VERMICULITE A hydrous, silicate mineral used in fire doors, due to its fire resistance and insulation properties.
VOID An empty space or open area.
WARRANTY Statement of quality that goods will perform as designed.
WEATHERING Disintegration or discoloring caused by exposure to sunlight and other environmental factors.
WEATHERSTRIP Material that sits tightly against a seam to prevent air infiltration.
WOOD FRAME WALL Wall framed or constructed from wood parts such as studs, plates and sheathing.
WOOD STAVE CORE Small pieces of wood bonded together to form a core blank and then sanded to a uniform thickness.
X-RAY DOORS Doors designed to block x-rays with a lead insert.