1300 784 852

Door Frame Dimensions

When discussing these dimensions, it is important to understand the different types and the roles they play. There are five key types, these are Wall Opening Size, Frame Overall Size, Reveal Size, Door Size and Clear Opening Size. Australian construction and manufacturing standards outline that these dimensions must be followed in conjunction with their relevant catalogues. 

Door Dimensions

Types of Door Frame Dimensions

Wall opening size

Wall opening size is the biggest dimension. It is the dimension of the opening in the wall that the door frame and door will be built in (it also accounts for floor clearance). Therefore, it must be the largest in order to fit the door frame and door inside it. 

Frame overall size

This is the second largest dimension and is the height and width of the door frame. It needs to fit inside the wall opening but also be big enough to fit the physical door and its clearances. A standard difference between wall opening size and frame overall size is 5mm on the height and width. This allows enough clearance for the frame to fit inside the opening.

Reveal size 

Reveal size is the third largest dimension and put simply, it is the space inside the frame that the door needs to fit in. 

Door size 

The door size is the fourth largest dimension. It is the height, width and sometimes thickness of the physical door inside the frame. This is the dimension you see online when looking for doors for your business or home. The difference between the reveal size and door size can vary depending on the type of door. As an example, a fire door has a tighter tolerance (less of a difference between door size and reveal size) than a solid core door. 

Clear opening size 

The smallest dimension is the clear opening size. This is the space needed so that objects of a certain width can fit through a doorway. It must be documented to align with the mandatory fire and safety regulations as well as wheelchair access. This can be the most difficult to calculate as it depends on how far the door can swing when open, and the door thickness and the stop dimension. We can assist with calculating this dimension.

The document below shows the relationships between frame overall size, reveal size and door size:

Door Dimensionsshed doors

For more information about door dimensions or Spartan Doors capabilities, please contact us today via [email protected] or call  1300 784 852. 

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